Wednesday, 11 May 2016

America's Downfall

Before making an analysis of America’s downfall, I can sum up in this phrase: “free lunch for the poor, and taxes for the rich.” It resumes the idea of an interventionist and statist state, which under the premise of looking for welfare of its citizens distorts all the economic apparatus. 
America is being blood feed by Welfare State, where immigrants are no longer settlers, and these new incomers are looking for easy benefits granted by the State, and haven’t immigrated to come true the American dream. For this reason, it explains the fact of that seven out of ten Latin American voted for Obama in the 2012 election.
So, in part, the American dream of hard work and economic success have been replaced with Welfare State. Then, what America is cultivating for the future is people who repudiate work and are dissociated with the idea of work as generator of wealth.
Besides, America is sunk in higher taxes which affect profoundly income with distortion, the Government’s expenditure has no limits as the public debt, the Federal Reserve’s monetary police is based in huge expansion; and, on top of all this, there are numberless regulations for the free initiative, then companies and firms are strangled which prevents their expansion and curbs the new creation of employs.To evidence this, American government decides the number of the employer that companies or firms can have in their payrolls, and determines the kind of jobs that companies and firms can create according to the government’s regulations.
In conclusion, the government is the agent who set barriers to the companies and firms to produce, and it is the one element against work. So if an state doesn’t generate wealth through production, then this seeks it through high taxes and the issue of inorganic money through deficit. One consequence of this is that the high class, who are the owner of means of production, begins the search of stability and friendly financial conditions in other countries, because the stuck of the economy can lead to social disturbances.

To prevent America’s downfall is needed to unhook the American citizens from the magical thought that has impoverished the Latin American nations, and return to the former principles: hard work, economic success mirrored in the market, and no government’s intervention. 
In case that a Democratic candidate gains the presidential elections, then the American have a secure passage to the path of turning United States of America into United States of Latin American, so another hellhole country.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

The Dis Unite States Of America

Dis Unite States of America If you think that you know what happen with the economic political chaos of the Century 21th, this new book of Julio Camino is certainly not for you. But if, on the contrary, you have doubts, questions and concerns, rather than elaborated opinions, or if you are not very sure about them, this book is for you. Especially if you want to learn about what is going on in the USA and some parts of the world: what is happening and why? Generally, in the United States, upon hearing the word "secession", most people think of Abraham Lincoln, the "deep South" and the Civil War. But there are currently other secessionist movements gaining strength in the U.S., and not only in the South, but in the entire territory, because the same "Big Government" federal emerged from the War of Secession, has gone out of control, causing many States huge frustration and discontent. Along these pages you will find something that you need, even if you are not very conscious of what is missing: information, good information from not well-known but truthful and liable authors. Download it on: THE DIS UNITE STATES OF AMERICA Or buy it in paperback from: THE DIS UNITE STATES OF AMERICA