Before defining the Third Way or what it is considered to be by his author, it is convenient to state what the Third Way is not, and put forward the argument that criticizes some principles of Anthony Giddens upon such a theory.
First, the Third Way is not a technocratic project tainted with utopian feature nuance, nor a politic and ideological new direction in the search for a new place in politics for the emerging social sectors that want to have a position in the political scenario.
Secondly, it is not an empty concept –without a real sense, nor a coined expression by Giddens –which has been adopted by the left to adhere just itself to right-centre wing.
Thirdly, it is not defined either as Giddens does as a programme of modernity on economy, political system and the state of welfare. Neither does the Third Way in its postulates seek for a renovation of public institutions.
The Third Way does not linger on what is accepted from what is denied. It is not the best of the economy of market –productivity – neither is it the reward of social democracy –a distributive system.
Upon the postulates of the Third Way by Giddens, some of them are unthinkable practical and utopian ones.
The first one: “New politics or a second wave of democratisation.” In a sense: “the people are consulted.” As this theoretical postulate lingers on a fundamental element of democracy that the majority governs, so public opinion should be counted. However, this cannot be done by abolishing the traditional democratic institutions and replacing them for such units of public debate for referendum. This one as another is a medium through which is conveyed the interests of people, so that it can be manipulated. And, it is prone to be under pressure in a major degree in the latter than the former.
Just have a glimpse of some Latin American countries where the rotted traditional institutions have been replaced for referendum and an emerging new leader, who becomes a Messiah, uses it for his own political benefit.
The second one: “New relationship between State, Market and civil society.”
The role of the state is to have due participation according to the moment. And, this should be assured by some rules that would be applied –independently its nature– on the circumstance.
A relationship between the state and civil society should be on the terms of one that defines a judicial, legislative and executive frame, where civil society can act.
Finally, upon the market, the state should encourage the private entrepreneur who is a principal factor in the economy, but it should regulate this when it is out of the equilibrium point.
And the third one: “A commitment with the entrepreneur.”
If a country’s decisions as well as its activities are based on the international sector it means the loss of democracy and the own national interest.
To have a real scenario of this principle, it is advisable to screen out Latin American society in which the higher classes, dominant but not leading ones and beneficiaries of the system by the political influences and alliances with foreign monopolies, are not interested in the development of their own country because this would imply the alteration of their supremacy; besides their profits would be in jeopardy.
The Third Way is the way as the state –in its main role of the head of the nation– deals with all the areas of the system. And, this way is just adjusted to the conditions of the moment.
The Third Way in the practice could be evidenced as El Partido Socialista Obrero EspaƱol had made the way for economic and social agents to go in a free-market economy coming from an autarchic and corporate economy. As in France, the Third Way is considered as the socialists update themselves having more Anglo-Saxon socialism rather than interventionist socialism.
But, one relevant example by the political system and complexity of the thought of the men in Asia, it is the case of China with respect to Taiwan.
Alberto Moreno Rojas, IV Seminario, “Los Partidos Terceravia y Socialismo y una Nueva Sociedad”, Ciudad de Mexico, Febrero del 2000.
Anthony Gidens, “La Tercera Via”, Ed. Taurus
Article part of the Notes from Through Existences.