Saturday, 19 November 2011

America’s Supremacy: Immigration

In previous articles I attempted to analyse the causes for some countries still in the condition of underdevelopment in a global world, also such a reasoning tries to have understanding about this new tendency - which will help to develop in a better society – denominated The New Socialism of XXI Century; socialism that supposedly is not the same one as that of the last century. In the following lines, I will expose the reason for America is always in steps ahead from the rest of the world, which absolutely grants supremacy to the country.

            One aspect that many countries overlook, due to the fact of their underlined regionalism, or aversion or just simply not being in capacity of taking in, is Immigration.

            America owes its increasing specialization, the enhancement of its productive capacity and innovation to Immigrants. They allow American workers to boost their degree of specialization and become more productive –earning high wages. This is a key factor that produces as result supremacy above other nations. As the economist Giovanni Peri states in his research “Technological and scientific innovation is the acknowledged engine of United States economic growth and human talent is the main input in generating this growth.”

            In many countries a skilled immigrant is not considered on the terms of having not been a native-born, and he is catalogued as a disestablishing element in the opportunities for native professionals. This contra juxtaposes with Peri’s description “A team of engineers may have greater productively than an engineer working in isolation, implying that a foreign-born engineer may increase the productivity of native-born team members.”

            Although, it could be stated that immigration is harmful for the economy and society of a country, some papers have found out that immigration has a little adverse impact on natives.

            “Foreign-born workers complement rather than substitute for native-born workers because they have a different pattern of education and skills…” Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Employment Policy.

            In the United States, in the field of scientific innovation, the leaders are foreign students, skilled immigrants and doctorates in science and engineering. And, America supremacy is summed up in this “For every 100 international students who receive science or engineering Ph.D.’s from American university, the nation gains 62 future patent applications.” According to a study by Keith Maskus, an economist at the University of Colorado, Aaditya Mattoo, Lead Economist at the World Bank’s Development Economies Group, and Granaraj Chellaraj, a Consultant to the World Bank.

            The bottom line conclusion of their research is that “Reducing foreign students by tighter enforcement of visa restrains could reduce innovative activity significantly in the United States.”

            So those countries that restrain immigration are deprived of innovation. It is hard for them to attain a high level of advance and supremacy over other nations.